Medical Billing Services

Smart Way to Bill

  • Affordable
  • Faster turnaround & Increase cash flow
  • Software flexible & Accurate submission

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    Key Features of Infinite Billing Solution

    Infinite Billing Solutions services can do a lot to help you run your medical practice efficiently while growing your practice. Our free medical billing software enables you to manage all the patients’ data, improve your practice profitability, increase the number of patients, increase collection rates and reduce denied claims.

    Error-Free Charge Entry

    We provide detailed error-free charge entry to ensure first-time approved claim submission. We take the demographics and charge info for each patient from you. Our billers enter the charges daily for the claim processing.

    Real-Time Insurance Verification

    We confirm every patients’ insurance eligibility to streamline your process, shorten account receivable days, and avoid denials.

    Claim Submission and Scrubbing

    Our billing experts and scrubbing process make sure clean claims are submitted. If there are any rejections, after corrections, re-submission is done the same day.

    Payment Posting

    ERAs and EOBs are verified and posted on time. The remaining balances are posted to the patient's account. We verify to make sure appropriate payment is made on each claim.

    Patient Statements

    After confirmed appropriate payment from all payers, if the remaining balance is owed by a patient, a detailed statement is generated to send to the patient showing the due balance.

    Follow-Up & Appeals

    In case of a denial, our A/R specialists work on the cause of denial to resolve the problem and process the due payment.

    Medical Billing Services in USA

    Running a successful medical practice along with managing all management tasks and maintaining regulatory laws is an intimidating job. Medical practices need to advance their organizational structure in order to improve their quality of services, reduce errors and to cut expenses. You need a compact and comprehensive system to manage all your practice’s issues. For all these and many other problems, outsourcing your medical billing to Infinite Billing Solutions billing company is a wise and essential decision.

    • Medical billing services can increase and improve your collections while accelerating cash flow.
    • Reduce your administrative costs by assisting you in all administrative tasks.
    • Attain productivities that cannot be achievable by in-house billing.
    • Compliance can follow determinedly and positively.
    • Medical billing denial scan be minimized.
    Infinite Billing Solutions Offers Best Medical Billing Services

    Infinite Billing Solutions is offering medical billing services to all specialties and all types of practices whether individual, group or employed. We are serving medical practitioners who can focus more effectively on providing health services while we will take complete care of their finances. Infinite Billing Solutions has a team of revenue cycle experts, certified and experienced coders, and patient care representatives who use advanced quality-driven technology to efficiently accelerate the complex regulations adjacent to the reimbursement technique. We have blended our billing and coding expertise with contemporary software program to provide the maximum robust and complete revenue cycle control strategies for your practice.

    Accurate, Efficient Billing Services

    Infinite Billing Solutions ensures that compliance is carefully included in our operations of billing as well as in practice management. Our software program and we are completely compliant with HIPAA. We complement those guidelines and processes with inner and outside audits completed through individuals professionally in figuring out inaccuracies that might postpone or reduce compensation. Additionally, our comprehensive intelligence platform provides in-depth perception into all elements of your practice, which include provider productivity, so that you recognize precisely how your staff is appearing against desires. By relying on our professional staff, you will enjoy the long-term benefits that come with our sales cycle experts continuously providing accurate, efficient billing services for your specialized practice. Our staff of billers and coder is well versed with the codes of each billable claim and they remain determined with all new and old codes and keep themselves updated with all changes in compliance rules.

    End-To-End Billing Solution with Our Cloud-Based Integrated Software

    Our professional billing experts are here to assist you in your medical billing problems. Infinite Billing Solutions give you the results you want as an extension of your own body of professionals. Integrated cloud-based generation maintains your modern-day in a continuously converting landscape. Established best practice processes assist you to avoid all too common billing errors. We have developed comprehensive automated software and systematic procedure that make claim processing easier, coding more effective, and turnaround time for gathering cash greater effective. With our cloud-based software, you may get the following advantages:

    • Built in eligibility, verification reduces denials and delays while accelerating the work and cash flow.
    • Capture charges effectively, lessen reproduction facts entry and reduce errors.
    • Produce cleaner, extra correct claims robotically with our billing rules engine.
    • Monitor all your claims, check their repute and notice what is being accomplished to get you paid.
    • Streamline your daily working, managing all administrative tasks, dealing with, and completing all your billing obligations easily and electronically.
    • Track your productivity and billing overall performance.
    • We measure your key overall performance marks so we can actively look for approaches to discover your practice revenue.
    • Support your staff's incomplete practice’s workflow such as handling patients, importing documents and sending secure messages.
    • Get entire visibility at a look through showing you the complete picture of your practice’s health.
    • We will assist you to get your files arranged and saved in an automated cloud-based system, to make it easy for you to access documents every time and from everywhere.
    • You are allowed to have our software on your computers or any android devices by downloading our user-friendly app.
    Flexible and More Affordable Billing Services for all Medical Practices

    Infinite Billing Solutions is providing billing services to all health providers and on all stages of their practice’s life. If you are new and want to start and successfully establish your practice, we can assist you in all the required stages. Our superior class credentialing services will enroll you with regulatory authorities and insurers in minimum time duration. Our compliance-filled services will keep you away from the audit regrets and litigation problems. Our state of the art technology will smartly solve all your billing issues and will increase your productivity and cash inflow instantly. We are very flexible in charges and offer customized services to each practitioner according to their respective needs.